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Writing Our First Test

Let's use the CLI to generate our first test suite:

# Longhand
qaflag generate suite users

# Shorthand
qaflag g s users

The users part of the above command is the name of your suite. It will generate a file called users.suite.ts in the root source of your application. If you want to put it inside of a subfolder (like modules/users, for example), you type that full relative path ending with the file name:

qaflag g s modules/users/users

QA Flag will automatically look for which scenario libaries you have installed and pick the first one it finds. For the example below, we'll assume that you have installed the @qaflag/json library and want to write tests for your REST API. The same basic concepts will apply for other types of scenarios.

The initial file generated by the CLI will look similar to this:

import { Scenario, Suite } from "@qaflag/core";
import { JsonContext, JsonScenario } from "@qaflag/json";

export class UsersSuite extends Suite({
title: "Users",
type: JsonScenario,
}) {
uri: "GET /path/here",
step: 1,
async firstScenario(context: JsonContext) {
// put tests here

Let's make the following changes:

  • Update the title to "Test Users Endpoints"
  • Change the path of the scenario from /path/here to (a mock API)
  • And rename the method from firstScenario to something more descriptive like getListOfUsers

Now inside of the getListofUsers method let's replace the // put tests here comment with:

const ids = context.find("[*].id");;

And then run your test:

qaflag run --build --all

The above command will transpile our code from TypeScript into JavaScript, so that it can be executed. Then it will run all of our suites. Since right now we only have one suite, this is all we need.

Examining the Code

Let's break down what we did in each part of the code. The first part should be pretty self-explanatory, but we need to import the Suite and Scenario classes from core library. Then we will import the scenario and context classes that we need for our specific type of test, in this case that is JSON.

import { Scenario, Suite } from "@qaflag/core";
import { JsonContext, JsonScenario } from "@qaflag/json";

Next we are defining the suite. You can name the class anything you want, usually you want to call it something descriptive for what you'll be testing and often it will be the same as the file name.

We extend the core Suite class, which is actually a function with various optional arguments. title is the only required option. We can specify type, which will become the default test type for each scenario within this suite. Alternately, you can set it on each scenario or override the default in each scenario.

export class UsersSuite extends Suite({
title: "Test Users Endpoints",
type: JsonScenario,
}) {

Within the class you can have any number of methods you want. Only the ones with the @Scenario decorator (or a template decorator, which we'll get into later) will run. You can add other methods as helper methods or whatever you like. There are many properties that this scenario decorator can contain, the only one that is required is uri. Typically, the URI format will be HTTP Method, a space, and then the path (which may be relative or absolute).

Below we are using a fully-qualified URL for the uri property, but you can do a path only and it will be relative to your the Base URL--which can be set as an environment variable, in your qaflag.json, in the suite decorator as baseUrl property, or as a separate item in the scenario decorator with the baseUrl property.

uri: "GET",

Finally, we get into our actual scenario and tests. You can make the method anything you want, but it should be descriptive of what this scenario does. Your context argument can be named something else if you prefer, but you should specify its type to match your type of test's context class.

The find method is always present and allows you to select an element or elements from the response body. The value that comes back from the find method will be a wrapped *Value element that will retain the context of what you seleted and what type of data it is expected to maintain. The methods and properties you find in intellisense when you chain the . after your seleced value will differ depending on what it is.

You will most often make an assertion with the must property off of your selected value. Effectively, you create a plain-English assertion message through the chaining. You will find the available properties and methods to be contextual based on what you type and should generally form a logical sentence. We'll get into more details later.

  async getListOfUsers(context: JsonContext) {
const ids = context.find("[*].id");;

In this scenario, our response came back with an array of user objects, all of whom shoud have an id property. Using JSON Schema syntax we find all of the id properties from that array of objects. We assert that it is an array, that the length of that array is greater than 0, and that all items in that array of ids are greater than 0.